
Celebrate More Often

Celebrate More Often

Celebrate More Often

Celebrate More Often

Celebrate More Often

Celebrate More Often

Celebrate More Often

Celebrate More Often

About Us

Atmosphere is for the moments when you want to celebrate but don’t have the time to be slowed down. Atmosphere is for the times when you need a moment but only have a moment.  

How It's Made

Atmosphere Brewery’s Atmosphere 0.0 Pils is alcohol-free beer at its best. Designed in Brooklyn and brewed in Germany according to the German beer purity law, only the best all natural non-GMO ingredients are used without any artificial flavors, preservatives or foaming agents. 

Who Drinks Atmosphere

Atmosphere is for everyone, whether you’ve made the choice to moderate alcohol drinking momentarily or forever - or want to be supportive of friends and family - Atmosphere 0.0 Pils is a great Pilsner that won’t slow you down.  

Many people are making the choice to drink non-alcoholic (or alcohol free beer) for many reasons including physical and mental health (alcohol is a neurotoxin), moderating alcohol intake, want a beer when it’s not appropriate to be drinking alcohol, or looking for an alternative to unhealthy soft drinks and other sugary beverages.  

Our Inspiration

Our Founder Johnny was inspired to start Atmosphere after drinking some other great NA beers that he found in 2019 and 2020 but couldn’t find a great tasting Pilsner. Johnny was interested to try NA beers as the alcohol in regular beer drank later in the evening was waking him up in the middle of the night dehydrated (alcohol is a diuretic – dries you out). Lo and behold, NA beer is a great Isotonic (hydrates you).   

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Atmosphere contain any alcohol, it tastes like it does?

Atmosphere is certified alcohol free (0.0% Alcohol By Volume) by the US Government. To import Atmosphere we have tosubmit samples to the TTB for testing

You say Atmosphere is certified Kosher, isn’t beer generally Kosher?

In theory, beer made using traditional ingredients is Kosher, that said, some NA beers contain “natural” flavors, foaming agents, and anti-microbial agents. Some breweries also use exotic or manufactured ingredients in their beers for flavoring which may mean the ingredients orbrewing equipment is not Kosher and hasn’t been cleaned to the exacting standards for Kosher certification.We’re certified Kosher by the Orthodox Union – the global gold standard of Kosher certification.

Why do you only sell by the case?

Use this text to answer questions in as much detail as possible for your customers.

Why do you only sell by the case?

To make things easier and to be able to include postage in our case price, we decided to just sell it by the case. We believe you’ll want to drink Atmosphere regularly so why not.You can buy Atmosphere in a 4 pack from other retailers – please see our product finder (link to product finder on homepage).

Why do you brew Atmosphere in Germany?

When we went looking for a great brewery that could make our0.0 ABV Pilsner based on our criteria, we looked all over the world. For many reasons we settled on our brewing partner in Germany.

Where is Atmosphere Brewery located?

Atmosphere’s offices are in Brooklyn New York and we work with and import Atmosphere from our brewing partner in Germany.

Is Atmosphere only for people with drinking problems?
Does Atmosphere container Gluten?

Atmosphere is a traditionally brewed beer using only the finest non-GMO ingredients. As one of the main ingredients is barley, there will be some trace amounts of gluten. If you are gluten intolerant we would recommended looking for beer made from non-traditional ingredients

Is Atmosphere safe for a pregnant woman to drink?

Atmosphere is alcohol-free so it’s considered safe to drink during pregnancy. Always consult with your physician if you have any concerns

Designed In Brooklyn

Crafted In Germany